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Living with Parkinson’s Disease

Course Description

Parkinson’s disease is a movement disorder that affects a person’s nervous system, having a significant impact on their quality of life. This course explores strategies to support a person living with Parkinson’s disease.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

* Identify strategies to support nutrition and hydration
* Identify strategies to support speech and swallowing changes
* Identify strategies to support mobility
* Identify strategies to support activities of daily living
* Identify strategies to support emotional well-being “

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Available Now
Home Care
Care & Clinical
Subject Matter Expert:

TONY LAWSON - NURSE PRACTITIONER NEUROLOGY As a Nurse Practitioner, Tony is employed by Neurology Services, Te Whatu Ora Bay of Plenty based at Tauranga Hospital. Tony’s specialty is with Parkinson’s disease and related movement disorders. In addition, he supports Neurology Nurse Specialists with other neurological conditions. Academically, he has gained a Masters of Nursing (1st Hons), Bachelor Health Science (High Distinction), and Post Graduate Diploma of Gerontology. Currently Tony is a Trustee Board Member of the Parkinson’s New Zealand Charitable Trust Inc.

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