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Enliven, Presbyterian Support Southland, employs over 350 staff in aged care services.
We have always been challenged to meet our educational targets and to have confidence that we are giving our staff the best opportunity to learn.
Our inability to deliver face to face education due to the covid pandemic and staff shortages identified a risk for us as staff couldn’t attend face to face trainings. I was looking for a solution. Altura Learning has been our solution!
Since moving across to Altura Learning 12 months ago we are thrilled at the results. No more paper, education folders, or following up with staff to ensure they have completed compulsory training.
With design of the courses all filmed in aged care settings and the support of NZ clinical advisors we have great confidence in the content of the library of courses to meet the NZ Ngā Paerewa health and disability standards.
The ability to customise and brand the suite of programs to optimise the use of the Altura platform continues to impress us. We have now developed inductions, performance reviews along with customised courses into the system. The efficiency and ability to reach all staff is wonderful and able to be measured with great analytics for reporting.
All our care homes have recently been audited and achieved 100% in education delivery. This is a first for our organisation!
Heather and her team made the process of onboarding Altura Learning easy and seamless, and the ongoing support is fantastic. I would recommend Altura Learning to other Aged Care providers.
Carol Riddle
Director of Enliven Presbyterian Support Southland

As a care manager I am glad we introduced Altura Learning to our team. It has taken some of the pressure from the staff to prepare and deliver evidence-based practice. Altura is an excellent online learning platform that provides the latest expectations. It is convenient to use in your own time or at work. As it is developed for aged care, this means we are exposing our staff to evidence based practice whilst ensuring that policy and governance is followed. It supports the mandatory as well as ongoing education required.
Over time as staff have taken the time to access the courses, we have noticed that their communication style and delivery of care has changed in a positive manner. They have a better understanding of what is best practice. On our care floor they will speak to each other about the learning and practices that we need to adopt with confidence. They speak very positively about their Altura Learning experience to their colleagues, encouraging them to complete the individual courses based on their concerns/ needs. For our team it is an excellent investment to upskill or remind staff about best practice not just for delivery to the residents, but also to look after themselves.
Yogendri Rajah
Care Manager Fairview Care

What our customers have to say...

Altura has enabled us to ensure all of our staff receive the required training and provide evidence of training both at an individual and facility level. The extensive library of courses means we can select the courses that are needed at a time that suits us. From a management viewpoint across three facilities, we are very pleased with our decision to use Altura.
Louise Nash
Fitzgerald Lifecare

Staff no longer see health and safety as ‘boring, but are keen to participate. There has been a significant and measurable decrease in H&S incident frequency by 43% and severity by 80%. Our staff can now readily access learning and manage their own development towards achieving NZ Certificates.
Teresa Seux

I asked my staff how the would prefer to learn and was surprised to know that 80% of them said online and in their own time.
Deborah Collins
Nazareth Care - Christchurch

System is very user friendly and a great support staff. I really enjoy the number of features that make learning fun.
Vicky Varlamova
Learning and Development Manager Metlifecare