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Training Games – a positive environment for our learners
August 11, 2020 | Altura Blog
A Useful Learning Tool
Every set of Altura Learning Coordinator resources includes a training game that has been designed just for that course. The training games are designed to engage learners, reinforce key messages or terms in the course and create opportunities for discussion.As with most Altura Learning resources, the training game is adaptable to different situations. This allows educators to utilise it in a variety of situations. It can be used as an icebreaker in any face to face training, after a staff meeting or following a training session. The training games can be used at any time to refresh and retain staff knowledge.Some games, such as crosswords, can be incorporated into e-learning modules as an alternate way of assessing learners.
In order for your staff to get the most out of the training games, follow our tips below:
- Make sure the game is relevant.
- Does it relate to the main training?
- Does it enhance their skills and knowledge?
- Is it fun?
- Does it complement the training?
Training games are a useful tool to engage learners and create friendly competition and team cohesiveness. Traditionally, training games have been included in face to face education sessions but the concept of incorporating games into training has been more widely adapted with the advent of e-learning and the role that gamification can play with engaging staff.
The training games that Altura Learning supply are often used in a face to face training setting. The inclusion of training games are beneficial for the following reasons:
- Increases learner motivation and engagement.
- Provides interaction and collaboration opportunities – the training games can support staff to share their experiences and knowledge. This fosters a collaborative learning environment and works towards a positive learning culture, with improved staff self-esteem and perceived value.
- Enhances memory of course material – playing games has been shown to stimulate the brain and develop new neural pathways. By presenting information in a different format, memory retention is increased.
- Increases critical thinking and problem solving.
In order for your staff to get the most out of the training games, follow our tips below:
- Make sure the game is relevant. Does it relate to the main training? Does it enhance their skills and knowledge? Is it fun? Does it complement the training delivery method you’ve been using?
- Are the learners actively learning and participating? Activities where learners are given a problem to solve, or where they utlise their previous experience or knowledge, work really well.
- Does it consider their experience or knowledge? It’s essential that the game builds on knowledge, so make sure it’s aimed at the correct level. Does the game require a high level of literacy or numeracy to complete it? If so, is it appropriate for your staff?
- Is an educator/trainer able to stay with the participants to provide immediate feedback? If not, consider whether the intent of the game may be lost.
- Does the game invoke emotion? Creating an emotional response when training helps to engage learners and absorb and retain the information.
- Is it easy for you to deliver? If it’s confusing, hard to deliver or takes too long to set up, you’ll often lose your learners attention before you start.
We’d love to hear what your favourite training game is. Please send in your ideas to learning@alturalearning.com and we’ll compile them in a resource for our members.